We help businesses tell their message in an imaginative and creative way through traditional media relations, Digital PR and social communications practices. Just about every waking moment is expended dreaming about new strategies, methods and novel approaches that will make a difference to your business.
Traditional media coverage is still hugely powerful but an increasing number of our clients come to us seeking expertise in digital PR. With over 10 years experience ranging from Online marketing in the 90s to Social Media Management now, we have the digital PR landscape covered.
We understand the effect Social media channels have over businesses and brands today. And, we use every avenue available to harness the power of Digital media to bring effective results to our clients. We assist you tune in to conversations throughout social websites tightly related to your brand, products, services, competition and segment.
By means of discussion audits, influencer analysis or constant social media monitoring, we help you recognize not only the volume and subject areas of such conversations, but most importantly, the actual concerns and sentiments, the influencers generating the conversations and what actions to take consequently.